Sunday, January 26, 2020

Quarter 3, Week 4:

The Field Trip to the MIM is Monday! Students should wear their school uniforms and pack a sack lunch and throw away water bottle with their name sharpied on the front. Athletic Field Day is Friday, January 31st from 8:30-11:00 for K-2 classes and from 12:00-2:30 for grades 3-5!  Each year classes are assigned a Greek City State for their team.  This year, your child’s team is CRETE, and our team color is BLUE. Your child may wear a plain blue shirt (no logos) other than class section or Greek City State and athletic pants or shorts. There will be no school **lunch offered on Athletic Field Day. 
**Our class has worked hard to earn 10 stars as a team for stupendous work and will be having a pizza  and stuffed animal party during lunch before field day events commence! Students are still welcome to bring lunch that day, but know there will also be pizza to celebrate! (Reminder: no hot lunch will be served this day). Please ensure stuffed animals fit comfortably in a zipped backpack if students wish to bring one! WE ARE CRETE! Field Day attire: "Students may decorate their BLUE shirts with their team name and/or symbol of their Greek City State.   Students should wear athletic clothing free of pop culture references.  Sports team and brand logos are acceptable on clothing.  Athletic shoes are mandatory (any color).  Hats and sunglasses may be worn.  Sunscreen must be applied at home.  Please see pg. 52 in the family handbook for more detailed information." Volunteers for field day are also needed. Please sign up using the following link: to help with the events.  We need a few volunteers for class to help with donating a cooler and snacks.  If you have not already, please sign up here to volunteer for our class. The week ahead:

Language Arts: We will have a condensed week of spelling. We will be creating a final draft of a three paragraph essay on the Titanic. Finally, we continue our  novel, The Trumpet of the Swan.

Math: This week we will be working on fractions of a set and money fraction. There will be a unit test on Friday. We need parent volunteers every week for math groups. Please consider helping out :)
History: In History this week our students will be completing their study of the Vikings and review material in class for an open note assessment on Thursday. Our next unit will be an investigation of many early explorers. 

Science: This week students will review and prepare a study guide for their upcoming sound quiz.

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