Sunday, April 5, 2020

Quarter 4, Week 3:

We will begin Google Classroom this week!

Here's a look at our week ahead:

Language Arts: For spelling this week, I would like you to practice phonograms at home each day for a few minutes. Then we will have 12 new spelling words. Be careful and watch the lesson videos in our google classroom.  For literature, you will continue Little House on the Prairie! There are 2 optional activities. Make sure you also read 20 minutes a day. Choose any book you like for that! On Thursday after you read, submit a 5 sentence summary.
Math: We will work on math facts and solve for perimeter this week. If you need any help with the perimeter problems, feel free to reach out to us! Make sure to complete Xtra Math every day!
History: Students will be re-reading parts of chapter 1 & 2 in order to answer the written response question with appropriate supporting information. They will imagine they traveled with the character in chapter 2 to Jamestown. They will write a letter to a friend or a family member in England describing their new home using given vocabulary words.

Science: We will begin our Astronomy unit this week. Students should read the given passages to answer the question and have a dinner discussion with their family about the Big Bang Theory.

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