Sunday, November 3, 2019

Quarter 2, Week 4:

3rd Grade benchmark testing will take place on Tuesday. This will give us some growth data from the initial test in August. Please send your child to school full from breakfast and well rested!

The PSO normally has a uniform exchange to help families with putting together concert attire, but they needed to move the date of the exchange for the Prep's awesome playoff game! Unfortunately, the exchange is now after the concert, Nov. 20th. If you would like to use the uniform exchange, please email Deanna Carpenter at

The dress attire for the Winter concert will be as follows:
Boys: Black pants, white dress shirt, black dress shoes, and black socks. Hair should be combed neatly.
Girls: Black skirt, white top, black tights, and black dress shoes. Hair should be pulled away from the face with no distracting adornment. Please follow the Archway Arete dress code for guidelines on jewelry.

Language Arts: Please bring in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe as we start reading on Wednesday. There will be a normal set of spelling words this week. We will work on some more diagramming skills in grammar.

Math: We are working on 8 facts this week. There will be a quiz on Monday (6&7 facts) and Friday (8 facts). Don’t forget to practice multiplication flashcards at home regularly! Can you volunteer for math groups Wednesday morning? Sign up on the Sign Up Genius.

History: In history, more discussion of the Republic form of government, Cincinnatus, the Punic wars as Rome battles for Carthage and control of the Strait of Magellan, and Hannibal the horrible.

Science: This week, students will learn about the skeletal system. Please encourage your children to study the bones of the skeletal system for a test in the upcoming weeks.

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